All posts by Louise Henderson

Primary game design project launches with Sophia George

Chris Wilson, Communications Manager, Abertay University

Primary school children across Dundee will learn about video game design from BAFTA-winning artist and designer Sophia George in a new four-month project, Game Changer Dundee.

This is Sophia’s first project after last week releasing Strawberry Thief, the William Morris-inspired iPad game created following her role as the V&A’s first ever Game Designer.

Game Changer Dundee is a partnership between Abertay University’s Outreach and Public Engagement Network and Dundee City Council’s ICT Support team, who have successfully delivered a range of coding and game design education projects.

Sophia will introduce pupils to her inspirations as an artist and game designer, leading practical sessions looking at the links between traditional art and modern video games. She will focus on creating artwork and game ideas on paper – emphasising the importance of traditional art skills to digital industries like video games.

Sophia George said: “Game design is a very complex, creative skill that’s wonderful to introduce to school pupils at a young age. We’ll be looking at how traditional school subjects like art, music and maths are essential to creating games, and focusing on the importance of art and creativity to making games.

“I’m particularly excited to share my influences from my time in the V&A in London, particularly female artists that are often overlooked. Traditional art skills and historic artists are a rich area of inspiration for game designers, and one I’ll be exploring across Dundee’s primary schools.”

Dundee City Council education convener Councillor Stewart Hunter said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to explore the creativity behind video games.

“I am sure that they will be inspired by Sophia George and that they will apply this excellent experience to their learning and development.”

Sophia will visit each participating school twice, before and after Christmas, to give the pupils time to create artwork and game ideas to present to her.

Primary schools across Dundee were invited to take part, with over 30 classes from 21 schools participating in Game Changer Dundee.

Sophia is utilising the collaborative tools of the new Glow 365, enabling pupils and teachers to come together to share experiences and exhibit their creative designs in a virtual learning space.

Gaming as a Context for Early Years Learning

Post written by Lorraine Munro

I’m an Early Years Practitioner in a Primary One (ages 4 and 5) class in Dundee, Scotland. I am also a Promethean Advocate. As a previous ICT Staff Tutor, I was interested in using gaming as a hook to engage young children with all aspects of learning. We often loaned out gaming resources to schools and early years establishments as part of an initiative to support learning in the classroom through Curriculum for Excellence, Scotland’s curriculum for 3–18 year olds. The Learning Teaching Scotland website has a dedicated area to game based learning.

When I returned to school after the summer break, I was really excited to put my experiences into practice. In the last school year, we have used a variety of consoles and games to support our youngsters in their learning. This is our journey through the year…

Writing Using the Nintento DS

We began by using two Nintento DS’ at the writing table. I introduced Pictochat to the children and they practised writing sounds and letters they had been taught by the teacher. They also liked to practise writing their name and it was a great way to encourage emergent writing. They enjoyed ‘sending’ their writing to each other and this activity was a real winner with the boys. They had no problem with the small stylus and, in fact, this really helped with pencil control.

We have approximately ten Nintendo DS’ and are using them across the school. It has been embraced and other classes have used them in different areas:

  • Support for Learning has used them to support spelling
  • Classes further up the school have used them with the Brain Training game
  • An upper school class is about to embark on using them with Professor Leyton to support literacy and problem solving

Learning with Games Consoles

In Primary One, we then moved on to using the Playstation 2 with the Eye Toy. We used the game Play. I would give the children clear instructions on what game was to be played and the children would very quickly pick up the on-screen instructions. The area surrounding the game was set up to support number recognition and I would encourage the children to find their score on the number square. We also looked at Health and Wellbeing outcomes like sharing space, being aware of rules and turn taking.

We were lucky to buy gaming equipment for the school and purchased a Wii and Xbox with Kinect. Primary One children were allowed to try out the Wii and as we were doing a Health topic, we decided on FIT, which is a Dora and Diego game. Although this game is for one player, we had up to four children taking part at any time. One person held the Wii remote but all four children did the activities. Children won medals when they completed a routine so we decided to take this opportunity to support maths and every time the children won a medal they added it to our graph.

We also used the Wii game Just Dance as a whole class activity during our health week. We had four Wii remotes and everyone had a turn to hold the Wii remote and gain a score. This game was a huge success and is now one of our whole school Friday activities.

The next game we used was Yogi Bear. The children were engrossed in a Goldilocks and the Three Bears topic and I was looking at bears in my area. This game was less active, but we adapted the area to look more like Jellystone Park and although this was also a one player game we had two children participating at any time. This meant there was also a peer there to encourage and support when necessary. We moved the writing table beside the Wii area and this encouraged the boys to write and draw about their experiences with the game. Near the end of the topic, we had a Yogi Bear book. The children recorded their experiences of using the game in the book by drawing a picture and writing. Some asked me to scribe for them while others felt confident enough to have a go themselves.

Managing the Logistics

We encountered a few difficulties using the Wii as it was a very popular activity and was very much in demand. This meant that not all the children were getting an opportunity to use the game, as some were always there fast and some would stay on for a while. We devised a simple laminated sheet of all the children’s names and a whiteboard pen. I scored off the name when a child picked the Wii and they weren’t allowed to go back on until everyone had a turn. Once all the names were scored off, we cleaned the name board and we could start again. We also had a ten-minute timer so the children were responsible for setting this when they began the game. We also discussed rules for the game with the children and displayed them. We reminded children of these rules regularly and these complimented our Health and Wellbeing lesson plan within our curriculum


As a school we had also purchased X Box Kinect with Kinectimals. As we had an Animals topic near the end of the school year, we thought this would engage our youngsters and give opportunities for lots of discussion about animals. It did, but also supported all areas of the curriculum. We had to look at a number of different elements to make this work for us.

The area needed to be big enough so the child using the Kinect could be found by the sensor, but we didn’t want children to be using this in isolation from others. This meant we also had to fit in some kind of seating for other children to watch, discuss and support their peer through the game without them also being picked up by the sensor.

At first, using our previous gaming organisation ideas, we all had a turn at interacting with and getting to know the different cubs. We then voted using ActivExpressions about which one would be the P1 cub. We then chose the cub, which was the Black Panther cub and then proceeded into the game. The children taught the cub tricks and played games with it. They supported each other in performing the activities and carrying out the tricks. Lots of different curricular areas were supported, from maths when one child read his score of 295 and others read instructions on the screen hitting literacy outcomes. Experience was gained in Health and Wellbeing outcomes when children showed how they led and supported the learning of others and showed genuine care and understanding in caring for the cub. Overall, this game had a huge learning potential. It is not as easy to use an early years setting as the Wii, but it was well worth the effort.

Working with Pre-School Children

Our latest piece of work with the Wii has come from our transition with our nursery children (up to age 4) moving into Primary One. The nursery children had used the Mii Channel on the Wii console to create Miis for all the children as part of a topic about themselves. This allowed each child to create a Mii with their hair colour, eye colour, face shape and even find the letters in their name. When the children moved into P1, the Wii console came with them. The children have been using the Wii Sports game and bowling. This has given me an opportunity to create Miis for all the children who came to our school not from our nursery. It has also meant that the children can find their Mii when playing the bowling game. Furthermore, this game allows me to observe children who can read numbers to ten and begin early addition.

Our experiences with gaming are still developing and we are always looking for ways to engage our young people. Our latest purchase has been an iPad and we look forward to how we can support our children through their learning in new and innovative ways.

Blogging to enagage with Parents at Dens Road Primary School

Post written by Lorraine Munro, Dens Rd Primary School Dundee

Blogging with our class has helped me and my colleagues engage with parents in their children’s learning and the life of the school, and given an opportunity to consulate, communicate and open a dialogue with both learners and parents. I hope that by sharing our experiences, I’ll give you some ideas for starting your own class blogs.

I work in Primary One in Dens Road Primary School in Dundee, Scotland. Our Scottish Schools Digital Network, GLOW, introduced Glow Blogs and we decided to think about blogging as a way to engage parents. These are blogs based on WordPress. I wasn’t really familiar with blogs and wasn’t sure of their purpose, but we were really enthusiastic about trying to use them to engage parents with learning.

Parents in nursery (pre-school) usually have quite a lot of contact with staff, can ask about learning and see their child’s progress when they collect them. Moving into Primary One (ages 4 and 5) is slightly different. Parents tend to have limited contact and pick up and drop off at the school gate. Children are also notorious for answering ‘nothing’ when asked what they have been doing at school!

We embarked on using a blog to show parents the learning that was taking place in school and hopefully foster good home/school links. We called it Dens Road Primary One. At the beginning, we didn’t gain permissions from parents/carers as we only used images of areas or displays in the classroom. As this is a public facing blog, we knew that if we wanted to use images of children we would have to gain permission from parents/carers.

We started by sharing what our topic was and some of the areas of learning that children would have an opportunity to use during the school day. We also uploaded images of sound work that they were introduced to by the teachers and number work we were doing in the classroom. Here is an example of the type of images we used. These images were used when we were learning about growing and plants.


The blog posts were shared with the children every week and the children were encouraged to ask their parents to comment on the blog posts.

We put up some website links that children could access at home to support learning too.

The URL for the blog was printed on the bottom of our homework diary so parents were reminded where they could access it.

The comments that were made by parents were really encouraging. Here are some examples:

Chloe’s Mum – What fantastic sock puppets! Chloe is going to show her little brother Callum how she made hers this weekend so he can have one too! Keep up the good work primary 1.. Can’t wait to see what your up to next week!

Caseys mum – hi Casey really enjoyed Idris and had lots to tell me about him it is fun and interesting to look at the blog and see what Casey has been doing.

Donna (lee’s mum) – Hi, Really enjoying seeing all of the photo’s of the school. This blog is great. Look at it all the time. Enables me to see what Lee does at school. Keep up the good work. Thanks

kayleigh´s mum – I loved the caterpillar and the pictures.Thank you teachers for all your hard work . Kayleigh is so happy and everywhere we go she explains how wonderful her school is. When is the next party?

During snow week – when the school was closed for a week – we put up websites that the children could access and gave them ideas for having fun at home in the snow.

We put reminders up on to the blog about events in school, for example, as an extra way of keeping parents informed.

We also blogged with another P1 class, as our school was celebrating its 100-year birthday. The other school, St Andrew’s Primary School in Dundee, is a very new school. The children took photos of our school and I put them on the blog. They helped me write the blog post. The other school took pictures of their school. We looked at the photos and commented on the blog posts.

We used tags to build a word cloud of the popular posts and made it easy for people visiting the site to find areas that they were interested in.

We added a ClustrMap widget to the blog and we soon saw that it was getting lots of visits from around the world. This gave us an opportunity to share a totally different learning experience with the children.

We looked at the world map and discussed different countries names and where they were. We had some parents who had relatives abroad who were visiting the blog and children were able to discuss this in the classroom. We also looked at how many people were looking at our blog every day. Nearly 3500 visitors and we are still very popular!

Blogging in Primary One has been a great way to help engage with the parents of our pupils. Some things we will look at next include promoting the use of the local library for free Internet access and having drop-in sessions at the end of the school day as a way of reaching parents who don’t have Internet access so we are truly inclusive.

Learning in the Sciences in Dundee

ScienceProfessor Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Scottish Government, has said that science, engineering and technology are not only essential for driving our economy – now and in the future – but are also significant parts of Scotland’s heritage and culture.

Here in Dundee, eminent local scientist Sir Philip Cohen has said of our city that it is no longer famed for “jute, jam and journalism” but “biochemistry, biomedicine and biotechnology.”

Young Dundonians with an interest in science may hold the key to Dundee’s future prosperity.  Such a responsibility rests with us as teachers then, to deliver science topics in an active, confident way to inspire these scientists of the future.

Our local DSC – Sensation has loads of interesting exhibits and activities all year round and there will be lots of opportunities to do extra science activities in November at Dundee’s Science Festival. Look out for more news on this!

CPD for science teaching is also in the pipeline. CPD Online will have sessions on the ASE “Be Safe!” material for primary and early years staff, and also a secondary review and exploration of free online resources. Secondary sciences and social subjects teachers will also have the chance to sign up for Carbon Capture, a one day session to be delivered by SESEF (Scottish Earth Science Education Forum) later in the session.

Scottish Government is investing in science education, and we are definitely getting something right – see this article about science subject uptake in Scotland. Make the most of the resources being provided – our pupils and our city will benefit. Check out STEM Central and Do Science sites.

Even more importantly, please share your science lesson success stories here and what you are doing for Curriculum for Excellence delivery in the sciences. See the instructions on posting at the side.  We can all learn so much from each other!

The Land of Me

The Land of Me, Eric, Buddy and Willow have finally arrived in Dundee for some exciting adventures with our Early Level community! I think they’ll love it here as they’ve already enjoyed so many adventures with children throughout Scotland and England.   Not content with being the birthplace of marmalade and the home of the fabulous new V&A building, our Dundee school children will now be welcoming three furry and feathery newcomers to our classrooms.

Following the incredible early success of The Land of Me project run by the Consolarium with our Dundee Nursery Schools, our Primary Schools wanted to get on board and continue to promote transition and active learning.  

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The Land Of Me has been fully promoting ICT, Active Learning, Creativity and Language skills with our Early Level pupils in our Curriculum for Excellence.  Pupils have been engaged and motivated to progress through the exciting chapters, discover the characters and continue their adventures away from the computer with the multitude of printable resources.  They have been engage in imaginative play, collaborative tasks and have had great fun and enjoyment doing so!  The animation is beautiful and it’s been a real joy sharing this fantastic resource with our community of early level pupils and practitioners in Dundee.  Find out how Bernadette Donald from Wallacetown Nursery has been pioneering the use of The Land of Me.

Land of Me can be found in the Start Programs menu on Dundee curriculum computers.  If you have any feedback about the resource I would love to hear from you.  Just leave a reply to this blog post.

Sharing our learning

This blog is managed by all education staff and pupils across Dundee. It allows teachers and pupils to share and celebrate learning. Tell everyone what is happening in your class, school or cluster. You can add a link to your Glow Group, blog or wiki to share all the exciting learning that is taking place within our nurseries, primary schools and secondary schools across Dundee.
Checklist test