All posts by Mrs Storrier

Enterprise Topic

My name is Emma Glynn and I am a teacher at S.S Peter and Paul’s Primary School. This term my class have undertaken an enterprise topic and have chosen fundraising events to plan for, advertise and hold this term. We have managed to raise over £330 this term and we decided to budget our money and create hampers for the local sheletered housing complex. We visited the complex and asked the elderly people what food they would like in their hampers to develop our information handling skills. After this we decided £10 would be adequate for each hamper and then chose specific food to go into each hamper (taking into account the elderly people’s needs) and budgeted to ensure we did not spend over £10. After this we organised a trip to Tesco and bought the items on our shopping list. We paid for the money and also used our measurement skills to wrap the hamper boxes. We plan to visit the local sheletered housing complex on Friday to surprise the elderly people with their Christmas treats! We are so excited! Please visit our blog to see our full journey!

Here are some pictures to have a look at now: