Highlight of the Week

Week Beginning 30th May 2022


Everyone in the ELC have been learning about caterpillars and their life cycle. We have learned that caterpillars that turn into butterflies build a chrysalis and those who turn into moths build a cocoon. We are all very excited to see what our butterflies look like and we are ready to identify them by using a chart when they emerge.


P1 children researched a Dollar Community event for homework.  They used their research to create a poster all about the event!  

If you see us, ask us what the features of a poster are! 


The highlight of the week in P2 has been learning all about the Queen and why we are celebrating the jubilee. We have particularly enjoyed designing our own stamps on Monday and we are now excited to invite our parents in for a jubilee themed visit!

P3/4A and The Lighthouse

The boys and girls in P3/4A and The Lighthouse enjoyed time together playing in The Lighthouse on Friday!

It was so lovely to see everyone playing together and having lots of fun!


In P3/4B, we have been enjoying sharing Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. It tells a wonderful tale all about friendship and kindness. We have been completing literacy and art activities inspired by the novel. Including our fabulous pen and water colour webs and Haikus inspired by the idea of being a thoughtful and caring friend. 

P5F and P5G

Primary 5 have been involved in all the planning and preparation for their Jubilee Garden Party and Open Day which has kept them busy, busy, busy this week! 

Here are just a few of the things they’ve been up to: 

  • written, published and mounted their own stories, newspaper reports, potions and letters 
  • created and weatherproofed their Union Jack flags and mosaics of the Queen to decorate the garden
  • used their numeracy skills to work out the quantities required for catering for 40 people
  • weeded and tidied up the Quiet Garden in preparation for planting new flowers and hanging bunting

Needless to say, Primary 5 have discovered that there is a lot of hard work involved in planning successful events.

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