Week Ending 17th January 2020 P7M

This week has been another busy one.


In Literacy this week we have thinking about our class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class. We have been developing our understanding of the text through comprehension lessons. We have learned about the flag of Syria, about the conflict and what it means to be a refugee. We made PowerPoint presentations about Syria and had to include; the population, the language spoken, food eaten, currency used, famous people, landmarks and about the neighbouring countries. We also watched the BBC live lesson about creating a 500 word story. We have started our own 5o0 word stories and will continue these next week.

Maths and Numeracy

We have continued to look at algebra and percentages in maths this week.


We have learned about energy transfer in food chains. We were introduced to the words; producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer and tertiary consumer. We will look at food webs next week.


We learned about the layers of the earth’s crust and started learning about wildfires. We created information leaflets about the wildfires and we know what to do before, during and after a wildfire. We will move on to learn about volcanoes next week.


On Tuesday we completed a mixed media piece of art which used the map of Australia and a picture showing the devastation inside. Our art work was very effective and it has been displayed in our classroom.


We had a visit from the SSPCA and we got to programme a ‘robocat’ as we learned all about how to look after animals and prevent cruelty.

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