Week Ending 10/01/2020 P7M


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Welcome to our first blog post of the decade! Happy New Year!

This week we have been a little more tired than normal but we had lots of learning to do, so it was business as usual.

In P.E we have been working on our stamina and fitness and completed the 6 minute run and the beep test. Some people recorded how many laps their partner did in the time. We are going to use this data to create a bar graph and see if our fitness improves. We also played dodge ball and R’s team were the overall winners!

We learned about different religions and food that people eat. We watched some videos about special ceremonies. We learned about Sikhism, Buddhism and Judaism. We looked at all of this with Mrs Tavendale in Food Technology.

In our Literacy work this week we have been working on punctuating direct speech correctly. We used this to write our own newspaper reports on the Nepal earthquake. We have also started a new class novel, The Boy at the Back of the Class. We made predictions about what the story will be about and used evidence from the text so far. We had lots of great ideas such as the new boy being; a spy from America, from a family of lions or from the most wanted list for dangerous crimes! We have since found out that the new boy is in fact a refugee from Syria.

During reading comprehension this week we read a passage about earthquakes and we focussed on writing the answers to the questions using full sentences.

In Maths this week we looked at time durations and we had to figure out how much time had passed between two given times. We shared the strategies that we used. We also looked at algebra and can now all figure out what numbers the letters represent and some of us even learned how to change side, change sign. Lastly, we had a look at graphs for information on how many earthquakes happened in the year 2012. We found out there were more earthquakes in Europe than in Africa.


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