Week Ending 15th November

Good afternoon,


“In reading we were practising fluency and expression”

“We have also been reading for information”


“We were learning about the disadvantages and advantages of using a credit card”

“We were buying items on a shopping list. We needed to go onto three different websites to compare the prices of the items on the list”


“In IDL we have been working hard to design a chocolate bar. We had to think of a new design, a slogan and we made up our own pitch”

“We were learning about slogans and adverts. We took notes in our topic jotter about the good features of an advertisement”

“We had our third business task where we were asked to create an advertisement to sell a hover board”


“We were playing dodge ball, gymnastics and football”


“We made remembrance pictures. We were learning about people affected during the war and the famous poem about WW1.

We learned that the poem was written in the back of an ambulance by a soldier after his friend had died”


“We were watching short clips about bullying. We were learned about different ways you can deal with bullying. Some of the things we learned to do are: tell an adult, act like you’re not bothered, talk to a friend and write in a diary”

“In Food technologies we learned about personal hygiene”

“We also learned about checking the date on ingredients and checking the environment before cooking”

“We learned about storing food correctly and safely. We know not to place raw meat on the top of the fridge as all the juices could drip down and spoil the rest of your food”


“We played SumDog this week and visited code.org”

“We used Ipads for making short video clips to film our hover board advertisement”

“We researched about slogans and packaging ideas during IDL”

Phew, what a busy week! Just a reminder that we have our P7 Sharing of Learning afternoon next Friday (22nd of November) from 1:45pm – 2:50pm. We will be selling teas, coffees and biscuits, as well as hosting a raffle, to support our fundraising efforts for our P7 End of Year Celebration.

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