Week Ending 13th March P7M

Hi everyone,

This week we have continued to learn about angles in maths. Some of our groups were learning to find missing angles from ‘clues’. We have also been working on our mental maths skills and have been creating our own number patterns and asking a partner to continue the pattern. We have been taking part in the daily challenge where we can select the subject and difficulty of mental maths questions. We are getting really quick and efficient when answering mental maths problems.

In Literacy we have been creating and answering our own questions from our reading books. We have also been learning about the world of work and thinking about career paths we would like to take when we’re older. We had a look at the world of work website and thought about skills, qualities and qualifications for different jobs.

We learned about gender stereotypes in Health this week and about the word consent.

In P.E we got to take part in a scavenger hunt.

Sorry our post is short this week, we are so busy!

Happy weekend!

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