Week Ending 7/2/2020 P7M

What have the pupils in P7M been learning this week? Read on to find out!

Health and Wellbeing

We learned about Young Carers this week. We learned about what some Young Carers do on a daily basis and we listened to some stories . We answered some questions about how Young Carers might feel and ways we can support each other.


We created survival kits with Mrs Currie. Some of the things we decided to include were; first aid kit, a tent, a phone, a torch, canned food with a ring pull and water. In our reading comprehension lesson we looked at hurricanes and tornadoes. We had to fill in the missing word from a selection at the bottom of the sheet. We also looked at creating and answering remembering, analysing and evaluating questions using Blooms buttons.


We continued to look at time this week. Some of the groups were working on using a formula to calculate distance. Others were looking at converting 24 hour time to 12 hour and some of the groups were working on calculating durations. We also looked at money written problems. We had to have super listening skills for this.

Social Subjects

In our topic lessons this week we learned more about tsunamis. We also moved on to learn about hurricanes. We learned that hurricanes are measured using a scale which is based on the wind power. We have also been presenting our homework projects this week. We have also been  learning about the sustainable goals and have been designing our own sustainable products. This linked to our writing this week where we were continuing to work on our use of persuasive language.


In art with Mrs Barron we finished our koala pictures. We painted the pictures and then added more detail with black pen.


On Monday we played badminton, volley ball and football. In badminton we were practising our back hand and the smash. On Thursday we played football. On Friday we continued to practise our volley ball skills. We were working on team work.


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