Week Ending 31st January P7M

Here is a little overview of what P7M have been learning about this week…


In our IDL lessons this week we have been learning about another natural disaster; tsunamis. We know that tsunami means ‘harbour wave’ in Japanese and they are caused by underwater earthquakes mostly. They can also be caused by meteorites, volcanoes and landslides.  We learned that tsunamis can travel over 500mph. We created quizzes on the laptops this week. We know lots of facts about tsunamis including what wavelength means, the areas which are at most risk and about the 2004 tsunami as well as the earthquake in Japan in 2011, which caused a tsunami. We have been choosing ways to share our learning. Some people have chosen to create posters, mini movies and news reports.


In maths this week we have been finding out about calculating durations of time. We counted on in hours and minutes and rounded up to the nearest hour. We have also been doing some revision on how to add and subtract fractions, convert improper fractions to proper fractions and change fractions to percentages. As well as simplifying fractions and working out percentages of any amount.

Food Technology

In Food Tech this week we learned about being vegetarian and vegan. Vegetarians do not eat meat or animal products and vegans do not eat meat, dairy or any other animal products.


In P.E we have been playing football, badminton and volley ball.


We have been learning to spell words linked to our topic. Our focus this week was looking at words linked to tsunamis. BM1 and BM2 have created a ‘riddle’ game to learn their spelling words. Very creative!


For reading this week we looked at a blooms questions and we also had some comprehension questions about tsunamis. We had to focus on using part of the question as our answer. BM1 has found our class novel very interesting this week as we have been learning about all the stuff refugees have to go through.


In writing this week we have been writing persuasively. We have been writing to the president of the Philippines after we learned about the preparations put in place in Japan. We tried to persuade the president to spend money on things such as installing coastal walls, plant trees near the coast to absorb the force of the waves and perhaps even thinking about making building more earthquake resistant by adding a ‘base-isolation’ under buildings.


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