Week Ending 24/01/20 P7M

Good afternoon everyone,

Here is a little snippet of what we have been doing in P7M this week…


In P.E this week we developed our ball skills. We got a choice to play volley-ball, badminton or tennis. With Mrs McGirr we played dodge ball outside. It was a bit different because we didn’t have the benches and had to make some of the rules a little bit different.


We have been working on ‘time’ this week in maths. We looked at how to calculate duration of time between two given times. We revised how to ‘count on’ when calculating this. We also reminded ourselves how to work out 12 hour and 24 hour time.


We finished our 500 word challenge on the laptops and we were going to email them to Mrs McGirr in our technology lesson, but unfortunately most of us have forgotten our Glow password! These will be reset by next week so we can learn how to do this.

We also wrote a persuasive story about natural disasters. We had to summarise the three natural disasters we have learned about so far and persuade our teacher which one was the most destructive. We looked at sentence starters to help us with our persuasive language.

In our reading lessons this week we continued to practice reading fluency, and some of us answered Blooms questions about what we were reading. We also learned about the famous poem by Robert Burns; To a Mouse. We watched a youtube video of it being recited in Scots, and then we heard the modern translation to help us understand the words. Some of us will recite a poem at the Burns competition in February.

In our reading comprehension lesson we looked at volcanoes around the world. Some of us were comparing and contrasting different volcanoes.


We learned about what volcanoes are and what active, dormant and extinct means. We looked at a PowerPoint about volcanoes and took notes. With our notes and some books we have in the classroom, we created information posters. These look fab!


We have been playing SumDog, accessing code.org and cool maths games this week. We also learned how to quickly save a document once we had named it.

Scots Assembly

This week we have been learning a song by The Proclaimers. We learned to sing the song ‘500 miles’ and Mr Swan played his guitar for us. We performed at our Scots assembly on Thursday. We also said goodbye to Mrs Ainsley and Miss Robinson at our assembly.


In music we were learning to play chords on the keyboard and played a little rhythm on the drum pads.

Just a wee reminder that our P7 Leaver Hoodie letters need to be back ASAP to allow us to order them in plenty of time.



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