Week Ending 13th December

Hi everyone,

Sorry we have been a bit quiet on our blog recently. We have been working so hard to prepare for our Christmas Fayre.

We had a very successful Fayre yesterday and made a lot more money than we could have ever imagined, or hoped for! Thank you all so much for your continued support.

We have also performed in four concerts!

This week we have also been planning a Christmas party in Maths. We had to apply our knowledge of fractions, percentages, time and money to plan the food, entertainment, drinks and decorations.

In Health this week we learned about having a positive body image. We will continue to learn about this next week.

That’s all we have time for just now as we’re just back from practising our social dancing in P.E and we’re looking forward to our party next week.

Before we go, just a reminder that we have our school trip next Wednesday (18th December). Pupils need to bring a packed lunch, a waterproof jacket, a snack and can wear casual bottoms. Pupils should wear their school jumper.

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