Week Ending 25th October

Good afternoon everyone,

In IDL we were finishing our Titanic topic. We had a debate about who was to blame for the disaster. We had a look at ‘evidence’ and made an informed decision to present to the ‘judge’. SM

We had our Food Technologies lesson with Miss Robinson where we were learning about food allergies and intolerances. We learned about how different types of food affects the way our body works. – JK

We created Pumpkin Carving Competition posters to present in assemblies. We had to follow success criteria and all got a chance to vote for our favourite poster. Just a reminder we are holding the Competition next Thursday (31st of October) and all you need to do is carve a pumpkin and bring in 50p to enter the competition. You will be in with a chance of winning a spooky spectacular prize. – MC

We also completed some assessments on the laptops this week. We had an assessment on writing, reading and maths. – RM

Some of our P7 pupils took part in a touch rugby festival and were awarded a certificate and flag. – BM1

In P.E we have started our gymnastics block, we have been on the climbing frame, the ropes, the springboard and the table. We also completed a 6 minute run, played end ball and football.  – DP

We have also been doing some maths. We have been learning about percentages, fractions, money and worded problems.  – JK

We have been reading and some of us got new reading books. – DP

In Science we learned about different forces. As part of this we watched a BBC Live Lesson and watched some videos online. We learned about air resistance and made our own mini parachutes to try this out. We also wrote a letter about how the different forces played a part in the Titanic sinking, – WB

In Health this week we focussed on Mental Health and feelings. We were thinking about solutions to help with some problems we might face and how to look after our own Mental Health.  – MC

P7M Week Ending 11/10/19

Good afternoon and welcome to our blog this week.

We presented our Titanic homework to the whole school and nursery, in the Purple wing.

We got to see the P6’s show all about Alloa’s great war.

In P.E we got the choice to do football, gymnastics and badminton. In our half hour slot for P.E we got to choose between Yoga in the classroom, Football in the shelter or playing a game of tig.

In IDL we watched  Titanic the movie during the week.

We also did maths In our maths groups  we were learning about negative numbers , times tables and fractions. Some of the maths groups were learning to add and subtract fractions, and others were learning to convert percentages into decimal fractions and fractions.

In music we did some songs from Danny and the Lions, Some people did a duet, and some people were doing a dance.


By SM and NH

Week Ending 4/10/19 P7M

Good Afternoon!

This week in P7m we have been doing…


In Maths this week we did fractions in our math groups, with Mrs McGirr we were finding a quantity of a fraction, with Mr English we played a dice game with our times tables. We also worked with negative numbers in thermometers.


In P.E we were playing dodge ball, we had to divide into four groups. Then two groups played each other and the winning team stayed on. On Monday we were playing football in the MUGA.

We have also been to Alloa Academy for our first transition event and made model boats with the P2’s. We tested these out in the yellow wing.

Sorry our blog is short this week – we were called for photos and then have P.E.

By AK and GG