Week Ending 27th September 2019

Good afternoon,

Here is a little overview of our learning in P7M this week.


This week in P.E we have been playing dodge ball. We had 4 captains and played 2 v 2, then 1 v1. The winning team from 1 v 1 got to stay on. In our lesson with Mr Richardson we were playing badminton and we split into teams of 4 and then we had 4 minute games. The others were referees during the games. On Friday we got to play rugby, we split into teams and played 5 aside. On Wednesday, two outreach members of staff from Alloa Academy visited us and shared a PowerPoint all about things to expect when we move to secondary school. We found out that the corridors are actually painted the same colour as the subject signs. This will really help us to find our way when we get to secondary school. We got to see photos of some of the teachers, including the guidance teachers and people who can help us. We know about the cashless system used and expectations for school uniform and P.E attire.


This week we have been doing some Titanic reading comprehension. We used the chilli challenge to decide which level of questions we would like to answer. We tried really hard to answer in full sentences and have been practising this before we move to secondary. In writing, we continued with our diary entries and wrote about the first full day aboard the Titanic. We had to think about the activities we would have been doing and writing in past tense. We practised writing in past tense during our grammar lesson this week. In reading we have been skimming and scanning and reading aloud to help develop our fluency and expression.



In maths this week we have been learning about the use of negative numbers when we are working with temperature and money. We learned what the term ‘withdrew’ means and also how the number line works when we go below zero. On Wednesday, we were working in our math sets. We were working on times tables and fractions. We also got maths homework! We also learned how to complete long multiplication sums and answer multi-step written worded problems.


Social Studies

In our topic lessons this week we have been very busy. We have been creating a design brief about how we’re going to make a model to float in our school pond. We’ve also started PowerPoint presentations about Harland and Wolff ( the ship building company who made the Titanic). We also had a look at the timeline of events and ordered these in chronological order.



In Science, we continued to learn about floating, sinking and buoyancy (or Beyoncé, ask your child what we mean!!) See the source image

. We also had a tin foil boat competition where we had to design a boat which could float with marbles on top of it.

Phew, what a busy week.


Mrs McGirr and P7M


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