P7M Week Ending 13/09/19

Here are some of our highlights from this week.

RM: “We had maths this week. We split into 4 groups. Some of us some worked with Mr English, some with Mr Swan, some with Mrs Stephen and some with Mrs McGirr”

WB: “In P.E we were doing the beep test. We are working on our fitness, strength and stamina”

JK: “We were writing letters as if were just about to go on the Titanic. We were writing to a friend or a member of our family”.

DP: “In spelling we were learning new words and we did a spelling test”

RM: “This week in Art we cut out our Titanic pictures and added the background using oil pastels”

BM1″ In grammar we were learning about double negatives. We were identifying double negatives in a sentence and we were writing them out correctly on our whiteboards”

Check back next week.


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