P7M Week Ending 6th September

We started our week with us writing about skiing on the laptops. We were writing a recount about the times when we were in the learning pit and the times when we were climbing our way out.



In Science, we were learning about microorganisms and we even built our very own microorganisms using play doh. DP said “There can be three types of microorganisms such as bacteria, virus and fungi. sometimes bacteria can be good for you and there is millions of bacteria on our body.”



In Writing, we learned about the forest fires in the Amazon rainforest. We then decided to write persuasive poems to inspire people to do something about it. Here are a few examples.







In other news, we all managed to use the tow at our skiing lesson and received a certificate. Mrs McGirr is very proud of the resilience we all showed during our lessons and extends her thanks to the hardworking staff at Firpark.


By NH and SM


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