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P6F – Week 5 16/09/19

We had another busy week this week, with lots going on and a few visitors too.

At the start of the week, Mr Smith came in and we joined P6S to start learning our songs for our ‘Alloa’s Great War’ performance. We also got our lines  and we began to practice our scenes straight away.

This week in literacy we wrote an imaginative story called ‘The Mystery Plane’. This linked to our novel ‘Private Peaceful’, because in the chapter we read, a small yellow plane landed in the field one day. We also carried out a character description of Tommo writing about everything we have learned about the character so far.

Continuing our work with place value, we were practising rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 1,000,000. We also worked on our addition and adding larger numbers together.

To put our learning into practice, we used our measuring skills to help us organise and layout posters which will be promoting our show. We had to make sure we started measuring from the 0 on the ruler and our boxes had to be a certain size.

In P.E. we have continued to develop our basketball skills and focused on working together in attacking and defending.

We had a visit from pupils from Alloa Academy who came to run a session with us about respect. It was good to work alongside them as well as getting to meet some of the teachers from the High School too.



P6F – Week 4 13/09/19

We started the week with Mrs Barron in art. We used oil pastels and tissue paper to create poppy pictures.


Building on our knowledge about our topic, David brought in some pictures and information about his Great Great Grandfather who fought in the First World War. David showed us a picture of his Great Great Grandfather’s medals and told us a bit about his experience.

We had a busy week of sport. In P.E. we are working on improving our basketball skills. Lots of our class attended the Cross Country heats at Lornshill Academy. We started our lunchtime football league as well as lots of afterschool clubs; rugby club, running club and basketball.

This week we started our new reading books.

We also took time discussing friendship. We discussed the qualities we would look for in a friend and how friendships can grow and change over time. We made some mini posters displaying our thoughts.



P6F Term 1 Overview

Term Overview

We’ve had such a busy term so far in Primary 6. Here is some information about what we will be learning this term as well as some other information we thought might be useful.

Learning focus this term:

Through our topic World War One we will be learning about:

  • What life was like for people in Alloa before, during and after the war.
  • We will be carrying out lots of research using our computing skills to search and collect information.
  • Both P6 classes will be rehearsing for our show ‘Alloa’s Great War’ which will be performed on Thursday 10th October at 1.30pm and 7pm in the gym hall.
  • We will be looking at the causes of the war and the impact that it had across the world.
  • In art we will be using clay and creating images and artwork featuring poppies.


Core Literacy:

  • Through our class novel Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo, we will be carrying out a variety of literacy tasks in relation to the book, such as prediction, exploring literacy devices such as metaphor and writing our responses to the book in the style of the author.
  • We will be discussing the difference between fiction and non-fiction accounts of the same events and will be able to recognise the difference between facts and opinions.
  • We are looking at issues around war and will take part in debates where we express our informed opinion whilst listening to, and respecting, the views of others.
  • We will be using our reading books and other texts for our reading, along with our class novel, to help develop reading and comprehension skills.
  • Our writing lessons will have a focus on writing for a purpose, such as persuasion, information and recount. We will be thinking about the audience for our writing.
  • We will continue to work on our listening and talking skills through our News Time, class discussions and presenting our work.


Core Numeracy:

  • This term we are looking at identifying the value of a number, estimation, rounding and ordering numbers.
  • We are focussing on number and the 4 operations and will be applying our knowledge of these in a variety of contexts in order to improve our problem solving skills.
  • We have also been learning about different types of measurements and converting between them.


Health and Wellbeing:

This term we are learning about friendship and safety on the internet.

Purple Wing Cuddle on the Couch:

Please help us to promote reading by joining us for Book and a Blether, 9 – 9.30. Come along to the Purple Wing and spend some time reading with your child. These are on:

Wednesday 18th September

Thursday 26th September

Friday 4th October

Wednesday 9th October

Thursday 24th October

Friday 1st November

Wednesday 6th November

Thursday 14th November

Friday 22nd November

Wednesday 27th November

Thursday 5th December

Friday 13th December

Other Information

Our P.E. days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Please ensure your child has full kit in school at all times.

In order to stay hydrated throughout the day, children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school with water in it to be used in class.

Golden Diaries go home each Friday. Please look at how well your child is doing and sign it before helping your child remember to return it to school on Monday.  If your child has lost golden time, there will be a phonecall home unless the diary is returned, signed, the following week.

P6F – Week 3 06/09/19

On Monday, Mr Smith came in to talk to us about how the First World War started. He showed us lots of pictures of what it was like to live and work in Alloa. He talked to us about our show that we will be performing on the 10th of October. We have written invitation letters inviting our families to come and watch.

In maths we have been working on place value and we have been doing it up to one hundred million. We have been writing it out in words and numbers.

On Wednesday with Mrs Barron,  we painted our poppies that we made in art with clay last week.

In P.E. we started playing basketball and we played piggy in the middle.  We weren’t allowed to pass the ball over the head of the in person in the middle and that was to help us think about our space. Then we played a game where we had to keep the ball for as long as possible.

This week from our Private Peaceful novel, we listened too the chapter being read and took notes. This helped us to answer questions about what had happened so far.

Written by Arran, Nathan and Cole


P6F – Week 2 30/08/19

Our first full week back at school has been busy.

We have started to read and carry out activities related to our new class novel ‘Private Peaceful’ by Michael Morpurgo. Before we started to read the book, we looked at the images on the front cover, the title and the blurb and we wrote down our predictions of what we thought the story might be about.

A group of us went along to the yellow wing to help P2B with their computer skills. We helped them with their typing and logging onto the laptops. In our own computing time, we carried out some research looking into facts about World War One.

In P.E., we carried out the beep test which was hard work. As part of our World War One topic, we are working on designing and making a relief clay tile. So far we have practised making a clay poppy.

We had a visitor called Mr Smith who came to talk to us and P6S about our show which is called ‘Alloa’s Great War’. We are going to begin rehearsing it soon and will be performing it on Thursday 10th October.

P6F – Welcome back 23/08/19

Welcome back, hope everyone has had a good summer and are ready to have a fantastic time in Primary 6.

We have moved into our new classroom in the purple wing with our new teacher Miss Ferguson and we will have Mrs Barron teaching us on a Wednesday.

We started of the week discussing and creating our class charter focusing on Resilience, Friendship and Respect.

Our topic is World War One and we discussed what we already know and what we would like to learn about over the next couple of months.

We also wrote about ‘What I want to achieve this year’. We focused on things in school, out of school and personal qualities we want to work on.