P6F – Week 6 25/11/19

The week was a short week, but we fitted a lot in.

Some of the class began to present their homework projects to the class. We had a wide variety of focuses, from women in the war, technology, animals, medical and the trenches.

The class chose a variety of different ways to present their work. A group of girls performed a drama piece in Scots language highlighting the impact the war had on women.


Others chose to use a slide show, posters and models to showcase their work.


In numeracy we have been working on different multiplication strategies. We have been looking at using the column method and the grid method. Some of us have been multiplying 2 digits numbers by a 2 digit number.

The final lesson of  gymnastic in P.E. we created, performed and filmed ourselves in small groups presenting our gymnastics routine. We had to include a variety of moves from a jump, balance, a travelling move and a roll.