P6F – Week 5 16/09/19

We had another busy week this week, with lots going on and a few visitors too.

At the start of the week, Mr Smith came in and we joined P6S to start learning our songs for our ‘Alloa’s Great War’ performance. We also got our linesĀ  and we began to practice our scenes straight away.

This week in literacy we wrote an imaginative story called ‘The Mystery Plane’. This linked to our novel ‘Private Peaceful’, because in the chapter we read, a small yellow plane landed in the field one day. We also carried out a character description of Tommo writing about everything we have learned about the character so far.

Continuing our work with place value, we were practising rounding numbers to the nearestĀ 10, 100, 1000 and 1,000,000. We also worked on our addition and adding larger numbers together.

To put our learning into practice, we used our measuring skills to help us organise and layout posters which will be promoting our show. We had to make sure we started measuring from the 0 on the ruler and our boxes had to be a certain size.

In P.E. we have continued to develop our basketball skills and focused on working together in attacking and defending.

We had a visit from pupils from Alloa Academy who came to run a session with us about respect. It was good to work alongside them as well as getting to meet some of the teachers from the High School too.



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