P6F Term 1 Overview

Term Overview

We’ve had such a busy term so far in Primary 6. Here is some information about what we will be learning this term as well as some other information we thought might be useful.

Learning focus this term:

Through our topic World War One we will be learning about:

  • What life was like for people in Alloa before, during and after the war.
  • We will be carrying out lots of research using our computing skills to search and collect information.
  • Both P6 classes will be rehearsing for our show ‘Alloa’s Great War’ which will be performed on Thursday 10th October at 1.30pm and 7pm in the gym hall.
  • We will be looking at the causes of the war and the impact that it had across the world.
  • In art we will be using clay and creating images and artwork featuring poppies.


Core Literacy:

  • Through our class novel Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo, we will be carrying out a variety of literacy tasks in relation to the book, such as prediction, exploring literacy devices such as metaphor and writing our responses to the book in the style of the author.
  • We will be discussing the difference between fiction and non-fiction accounts of the same events and will be able to recognise the difference between facts and opinions.
  • We are looking at issues around war and will take part in debates where we express our informed opinion whilst listening to, and respecting, the views of others.
  • We will be using our reading books and other texts for our reading, along with our class novel, to help develop reading and comprehension skills.
  • Our writing lessons will have a focus on writing for a purpose, such as persuasion, information and recount. We will be thinking about the audience for our writing.
  • We will continue to work on our listening and talking skills through our News Time, class discussions and presenting our work.


Core Numeracy:

  • This term we are looking at identifying the value of a number, estimation, rounding and ordering numbers.
  • We are focussing on number and the 4 operations and will be applying our knowledge of these in a variety of contexts in order to improve our problem solving skills.
  • We have also been learning about different types of measurements and converting between them.


Health and Wellbeing:

This term we are learning about friendship and safety on the internet.

Purple Wing Cuddle on the Couch:

Please help us to promote reading by joining us for Book and a Blether, 9 – 9.30. Come along to the Purple Wing and spend some time reading with your child. These are on:

Wednesday 18th September

Thursday 26th September

Friday 4th October

Wednesday 9th October

Thursday 24th October

Friday 1st November

Wednesday 6th November

Thursday 14th November

Friday 22nd November

Wednesday 27th November

Thursday 5th December

Friday 13th December

Other Information

Our P.E. days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Please ensure your child has full kit in school at all times.

In order to stay hydrated throughout the day, children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school with water in it to be used in class.

Golden Diaries go home each Friday. Please look at how well your child is doing and sign it before helping your child remember to return it to school on Monday.  If your child has lost golden time, there will be a phonecall home unless the diary is returned, signed, the following week.

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