P6F – Week 2 30/08/19

Our first full week back at school has been busy.

We have started to read and carry out activities related to our new class novel ‘Private Peaceful’ by Michael Morpurgo. Before we started to read the book, we looked at the images on the front cover, the title and the blurb and we wrote down our predictions of what we thought the story might be about.

A group of us went along to the yellow wing to help P2B with their computer skills. We helped them with their typing and logging onto the laptops. In our own computing time, we carried out some research looking into facts about World War One.

In P.E., we carried out the beep test which was hard work. As part of our World War One topic, we are working on designing and making a relief clay tile. So far we have practised making a clay poppy.

We had a visitor called Mr Smith who came to talk to us and P6S about our show which is called ‘Alloa’s Great War’. We are going to begin rehearsing it soon and will be performing it on Thursday 10th October.

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