P5H 15.11.19

This week, we have been sharing our learning and knowledge of coding and using the code.org website with P5E. We helped them access the website and get through the first few lessons. We have been using the website to improve our problem solving  and coding skills.
We have over the last week been logging into Glow and using a variety of the different features of the website. We have been emailing, using sway to create presentations and changing setting to personalise the website to us. Whilst using Sway, we have been learning more about Fair Trade and how that impacts on farmers in lots of countries.
Our class novel is Wonder. We have been reading more and hearing about situations from different points of view. We have written diary entries from the point of view of August about the time of Halloween. We had to focus on the emotions and feeling of August at such an emotional time for him.
During maths sessions, we have been using a variety of different strategies to work on our multiplication skills and knowledge. We have using Maths Rockx, magimixers and textbook work to do our learning in a variety of ways.
We took a look back at our previous topic of the Romans and used a new app called Google Expeditions to have VR and AR experiences of being in the Roman times. We were in the middle of Roman battles and gladiator fights in the Colosseum.

Bye for now.

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