8.11.19 P5H Bananas and singing!

Hi all, we have been incredibly busy over the last couple weeks with our sharing of learning afternoon and all the prep that goes into such a busy afternoon. We were lucky to have Mrs McKenna watching our Rocking Romans musical. She even sent an email commenting on how fabulous we were!

We have been reading more of our class novel ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio. We are finding that it is an emotional rollercoaster following the story of Auggie and his family.

We have introduced a new topic this week based on Fair trade. We have listened and researched about the journey of the banana. We discussed what fair trade is and how this impacts the farmers lives. We were creating PowerPoint’s in pairs and trios about this subject.

As a class, we have been working on our multiplication. We have been using this in our mental maths sessions, singing with the Maths Rockx app (we love it!) and working on the written formats for multiplication as well.

We have been working on our writing this week. Mrs Hunter gave us options of images to help with our imagination. We had to focus on the beginning, middle and end of the story and think about the description.

Bye for now!

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