P5H 6.9.19 Scots Songs and Roman Stories

This week we had fun doing lots of Maths games to practise our times tables. We got very excited over the card game and we shouted a lot!

In our Romans topic we read a story about Romulus and Remus. Did you know:

  • Remus and Romulus’ Dad was Mars God of War.
  • The king at the time told a servant to put the baby twins in the river but the servant put them in a basket and they were saved by a female wolf.
  • Remus was killed in a fight with his brother Romulus about where to build Rome.
  • Rome was formed on April 21st 753 B.C.

Yesterday we performed in The Scots Song Celebration at Alloa Academy. Our families and friends came to watch us. In the middle of the concert we heard a band called Rura. We sang 6 songs in total and we sounded fabulous.

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