Welcome Back P5E – 27/10/19

The Romans – This week we started working on our assembly for our sharing learning afternoon next week. We have all got our parts and are ready to rehearse for next week, we have been trying to get into character by practicing our lines as a class. We have also been practicing the songs – ask me to sing you one at home.

We made shields for our assembly props and they were AMAZING. Here are some pictures of the process. We will be using this for an interesting scene in our performance…


Writing – We were learning about how to write a newspaper article this week and how to make it as effective as possible. We worked in groups to make these and we had to make sure we included all of the key features of a newspaper article. One of the main features are the 5 W’s – ask me what these are…

Looking through some real newspaper articles…

Here are newspaper articles, we really enjoyed making these and Miss Mcewan was so impressed with how well we used our skills.


PE – We started gymnastics this week in PE with Mrs Morton and Mr Richardson.

Maths – This week we have been practicing our mental maths skills. One of the things we have been doing is recalling our times tables facts as a class.


Quotes of the week: 

“We were working on our times tables by clicking our fingers to keep a rhythm”
“This week everybody got a part for our assembly, I am excited for the assembly”
“I enjoyed making our shields”

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂

One thought on “Welcome Back P5E – 27/10/19”

  1. Charlie is super excited about his part in the ‘Sharing of Learning’ assembly. Can’t wait to come along and see all the kids take part! Good luck guys x

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