Term 3 Newsletter P5E

Miss Mcewan – P5E

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

General Information:

We had a very busy but enjoyable second term in Primary 5.  We completed our Romans topic, which provided the opportunity to learn about the Roman Empire and the impact of the Romans in Britain.  Our Fairtrade topic was interesting and we had the opportunity to learn about a range of Fairtrade products.  We completed a variety of areas of Maths, including directions, co-ordinates, shape and multiplication.

Homework will continue to be issued on a Monday and should be returned on a Friday. As well as this, children are encouraged to complete reading at home whether it is a book from school or a book of choice at home.

The children will take part in 3 PE lessons per week and these will be on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  PE kit can be kept in the classroom.

The children will continue to earn DOJO points for positive behaviour and choices within the classroom.  House Points will be awarded in the playground and when they are lining up.

We continue to add information to our class BLOG and this will be updated weekly.  Our BLOG can be accessed via the school website.

Learning focus this term:

This term in IDL we will be learning about Body Systems.

Through our topic we will be learning about/to:

  • The function of the major organs in the body.
  • How tissues and organs formed.
  • What the sensory organs are and how they help me.
  • How my body responds to external influences.
  • The effect of alcohol, drugs and poor diet on the body.

Core Literacy:

  • We will develop our writing by working on the tools for writing, including using paragraphs correctly; identifying direct speech and continuing to develop the use of sentence openers, connectives and punctuation.
  • We will be using our topic as a stimulus for writing in a variety of different styles, such as report writing, information sheets and posters.
  • Children will be given opportunities to develop their listening and talking skills through a variety of class based activities, cooperative group work and presenting a talk to the class.
  • During class reading lessons, the children will continue to implement a range of comprehension strategies.  They will have the opportunity to use Blooms Buttons and Book Detective strategies to check their comprehension.
  • We will also use our new class novel ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell as a focus for developing our literacy skills.

Core Numeracy:

  • Pupils will use written and mental strategies to complete division calculations.
  • Pupils will develop their understanding of time, including telling the time on an analogue and digital clock; converting 12 and 24 hour time; reading timetables and calendars and calculating duration.
  • Pupils will develop their understanding of decimal fractions, including identifying the value of each digit and completing a variety of calculations.
  • Pupils will develop their understanding of fractions and mixed numbers.

RME/ Health and Wellbeing

This term our RME focus will be Islam.

As a Health Promoting school we actively encourage and teach our children to make healthy choices, to enable them to become healthy, active and emotionally resilient young people of the future.

We are delighted to be able to continue to deliver 2 hours of PE a week as well as opportunities for children to be active in our fabulous new grounds.

I look forward to working in partnership with you this session.

Kind regards,

Miss McEwan 🙂

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