P5E – 6.9.19

IDL – This week for our topic we have been making a timeline of key events from the Romans. We had to make sure our timeline was in chronological order – this was quite tricky using the dates BC and AD. Here are a couple of our timelines…

Maths – We practiced our chimney sums in maths this week to solve addition and subtraction questions. Also, with Miss Robinson this week we started looking at 2D shapes.

Comprehension – We started a different comprehension task this week, it is called the comprehension box and it lets us choose our own texts and progress through a range of different texts. Miss Mcewan was very impressed with how hard we all worked during comprehension.

We went to Alloa Academy to perform our Scot’s Songs, we sang songs we learned in P4 to the audience. In the break we were surprised by an amazing band called Rura who performed some Scottish and Irish songs for us. We had a great afternoon!


Quotes of the week

“We did Roman timelines to help us with our Roman topic”

We started our new comprehension that was really fun”


Thank you for reading our blog 😊

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