P5E 15/11/19

Maths – this week in maths we started a new concept chance and uncertainty. We were looking at different scenarios and thinking about the outcome. We focussed on key vocabulary to do this, here are our main 5 words – ‘impossible’ ‘unlikely’ ‘even chance’ ‘likely’ and ‘certain’.

We worked as teams to read different scenarios and discussed what the outcome would be…

We did a dice roll investigation with a partner…

We also played a game where we had to use this key vocabulary to follow the instructions…

Literacy – this week in writing we were learning to write a diary entry from the point of view of different characters in our class novel. We had to ensure we were including the key features to meet the success criteria (ask me what the key features of a diary entry are).

In reading we have continued to read with our reading partners. We then answered key questions to show our understanding of our books so far. Miss McEwan was very impressed with how well we all remembered and understood our books.

This week was anti bullying week, we made posters showing what bullying looks like and how it can make people feel.

Coding – We have started coding and will be continuing this every week, P5L very kindly came to our class and helped set up all of our accounts and guided us through how to work the programme. 

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂

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