P5E – 8/11/19

Maths –  This week in maths we have been continuing our new concept co-ordinates, Miss Mcewan has been very impressed with how well we are all working in maths. On Wednesday we focussed on 3D shapes with Miss Robinson.

Romans –  This was our final week of our topic The Romans, so we completed it by making PowerPoint presentations to share our learning. We worked in groups to make a PowerPoint presentation to present to the class. We had to include key information about the Romans and make our presentation eye-catching to present to our audience.

We all proved that we know lots about the Romans.










Outdoor Learning Day – On Thursday we took part in the whole school outdoor learning day. We were using the outdoors to help us plan our writing. We had to think about our 5 senses and write key words to describe what we could see/feel/taste/smell and hear on our walk. We then incorporated these senses into our writing to help describe the setting, we all wrote some fantastic imaginative stories about an ‘event’ in the playground.

We were all set for the rainy weather.






Reading – This week we have started paired reading. We now all have a reading partner and we work with them to practice reading aloud with confidence and fluency.

Wonder – This week we have started our new class novel called ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio. We are using this novel in our literacy lessons, to answer key questions about the text. We are all enjoying Wonder so far.

Quotes of the week

“I enjoyed making the PowerPoint and outdoor learning day”

“We started the new class novel and it’s good and it’s sad. It’s called Wonder”

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂

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