Happy Halloween – 1/11/19

We are sorry our blog is late from last week but we were super busy with our sharing learning afternoon that we didn’t have time to do the blog.

Thank you to everyone who came along and joined us in our sharing learning afternoon. We all enjoyed being part of our assembly and sharing our Romans topic with everyone, Miss Mcewan was so, so proud of us all.

Halloween Disco – On Wednesday night we had our Halloween disco, we had lots of fantastic costumes and Miss Mcewan didn’t recognise lots of us. We were dressed up as pandas, circus masters, clowns, skeletons, bats and lots more.

Here are some pictures from the disco, who do you think looked the scariest?




Sharing Learning Afternoon – This week we were so busy in P5E preparing for the assembly. We were rehearsing everyday and working hard on our drama skills and singing. We were making props including a lectern, shields, helmets, a map and a holy bible.

Co-ordinates – We started looking at co-ordinates in maths this week, there is a special phrase that helps us remember how to use a grid reference – ask me what this is!

Adverts –  This week we worked in groups to create an advert to recruit Roman soldiers. We had to focus on using language to persuade an audience. We used all the features of an advert to record our very own adverts on the iPads. This was a great way of using our knowledge of what it was like to be a Roman soldier and incorporate this information into our adverts.

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂


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