7/2/20 P5E

Makaton – This week we learned more Makaton signs and practiced singing a song with Makaton. We all have a fantastic memory and can remember all the signs. Ask me to show you the signs for: noodles, butter, jam, yoghurt, dog, bird and TV.

Human Body – We made group information posters on either the respiratory, circulatory or digestive system. We had to include a clear title, key information and pictures. We then shared our posters with the class and peer assessed them to check if we met the Success Criteria.

As we looked into the digestive system we were exploring the small and large intestines. We used string to measure the length of these…


Class Novel – We have been using our class novel as a focus for our reading activities this week. We worked with a pair to highlight exciting, descriptive vocabulary in the book. We then had to guess the meaning of the word before finding it in a dictionary and making our own sentences.

Art – we created toucans focusing on contrasting colours. We used paper plates to make these and had to design our own toucan beak using contrasting colours. These looked so cool when they were finished…

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂 

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