31/1/20 – P5E

This week in P5E…

Literacy – We have started sentence battles in our class, this is an activity that allows us to uplevel sentences by adding exciting vocabulary, openers, connectives, punctuation and description. We complete this whilst a song is on and then we read our peers and decide the winning sentence from our team. There are 4 people in the final and whoever gains the most points wins. This is a really fun way of improving our writing.

In writing this week we completed our imaginative stories from our plans. We all did such a fantastic job and Miss Mcewan was so impressed with the improvement in our writing. We then focused on redrafting our writing on the laptops, taking our feedback and working on this.

Maths – This week in maths we were converting 12 and 24 hour time. We then looked at real timetables from Alloa that were in 24 hour time, from this we created our own timetables – ‘day in the life of us’. We had the choice of completing it in 12 or 24 hour time and then we had to swap our timetable with a friend who then converted it. We all have worked super hard using time so ask me at home to tell the time in different ways.

IDL – This week in topic we have looked at the respiratory system and the circulatory system, ask me about these to see what I know…

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂

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