25/1/20 P5E

Maths – Time

We have been learning about 12 and 24 hour time this week and have worked on converting between both times. This has been  very tricky at times but we are all showing a growth mindset and have made great progress.

IDL – Human Body Systems

This week in IDL we have been learning about the main organs and their functions. We then worked in groups to created a life size picture and added the main organs to this, together we labelled the organs with their function.

Here are some pictures of our fabulous work…



Miss McEwan is currently taking part in a Makaton training programme and is sharing all of her new learning with us each week. We are all very enthusiastic about learning Makaton and we aim to try and use it more in our daily routine. Ask me to show you how to sign some different words in Makaton…

This week we said goodbye to Miss Robinson who is going to Uganda, we were very sad to see her go but we are wishing her all the luck in the world in her new adventure.

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂

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