17/1/20 – P5E


Maths –  In maths we are continuing with our topic of division, this week we have focused on using remainders. We have used a number of different strategies to help us do this. We had time on sumdog this week.

IDL – Our new topic is Human Body Systems, we have looked at how the organs in our bodies work and what they do. Here are some fun facts we have already learned

-There are roughly 206 bones in the adult human body. Did you know that children have more bones than adults?

-We lose 30000-40000 pieces of dead skin a minute.

-When you swallow chewing gum it stays in your body for 3 days (not 7 years)

Ask me to tell you some more facts?

During ERIC this week we explored some of our topic related books…


Writing – We used the Australian bush fires as our focus for writing a descriptive piece of text. We thought about what we would be able to see/hear and smell if we were there, we had to focus on using exciting vocabulary.

We took part in the BBC 500 words competition and we are going to continue to plan and create our own stories.

Quotes of the week

“I liked doing the 500 words, we had to plan a story to write”

“PE was really fun this week because we got to play tidy the garden”

“In maths we have been doing remainders, at first it was really tricky and now it’s quite easy”

“Our new topic is amazing and I’m looking forward to doing lots of fun experiments.

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂



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