Welcome Back P5E! 10/1/20

Welcome back to our blog, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year. Our first week back has been very busy and we have made a great start to the new year.

Maths – This week have been learning different strategies to divide. We have been using the reverse multiplication strategy, sharing and grouping. As well as this we have been continuing our work on time with Miss Robinson on a Wednesday.

Reading – In reading we have our new books which we have started reading with our partner. We completed a ‘first look’ questionnaire that allowed us to think about what the different features of the book has told us already.

Writing – We competed two excellent pieces of writing this week. We firstly completed our goals for 2020, this allowed us to think of personal goals we want to work on/achieve this year both in and out of school. Some people had some very ambitious goals which is fantastic to see.

Also we completed a postcard based on our class novel ‘Wonder’. We learned about the key features of a postcard and then made our very own A4 postcard sharing Augy’s stories about his trip away at the nature retreat – these looked so effective.

 Quotes of the week…

I enjoyed doing the  beep test in PE”

“We painted trees onto a glowing moon in art”

“I enjoyed writing the 2020 goals it was very fun”


Thank you for reading our blog 🙂

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