Our final week of term has been filled with lots of festive things. On Wednesday we had our Christmas party which was a lot of fun. We did our social dancing, played games, danced and had a snack. Here are some pictures from our party…


Writing – this week in writing we watched a number of Christmas adverts and discussed the key messages in them and shared our thoughts. We based a piece of writing on the Sainsbury’s Christmas advert from 2014 about the soldiers in the war. We had to write a diary entry from the perspective of one of the soldiers, these were fantastic and we have shown we are now experts at writing diary entries.

P5E have worked extremely hard this term and deserve a fantastic holiday from school before a busy term 3.

We hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year 🎄🎄🎄

Hello everybody, we have had a very busy couple of weeks in P5E with rehearsals and concerts. We had our Christmas concert this week, we hope everyone who came along to see our performance enjoyed it.

PE – This week in PE we have been practicing social dancing in preparation for our Christmas party next week. It has been good fun and we have also practiced some party games too.

Writing – We used our Fairtrade topic as a focus for our persuasive writing this week. We had to persuade our reader to buy Fairtrade products by using persuasive language and including key information about the benefits of Fairtrade.

Here are some examples of a piece of work we did this week based on our class novel. We had to use descriptive words to describe Augy’s character…



Fairtrade – over the past few weeks we have been learning lots about our topic. We have learned about the different Fairtrade products and farms, we have discussed what life is like for workers on Fairtrade farms and how important Fairtrade is to them. We have also researched how far our Fairtrade products travel before reaching the UK and then located the countries on a map.

Here is our Fairtrade wall in class that shows some of our fantastic work…

Quotes of the week:

“I liked the colouring sheet in maths, I liked it because we could colour in and it helped us with our times tables.”

“I liked coding because we get to use the laptops”

“We did our christmas concert and it was really good because you got to sing Christmas songs”

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂