P5E – 22/11/19

Literacy –  This week in literacy we used our class novel to learn about summarising a chapter. We had to highlight key parts of the chapter and then summarise these using our own words. This was quite tricky but we will continue to practice this skill in reading. As well as summarising, some of us were illustrators and had to draw a comic strip showing the key parts of the chapter through pictures.

In writing this week we used different pictures to help us write an imaginative story. We had to focus on including WOW words in our writing and using correct punctuation throughout. We peer assessed our stories by reading them to a friend and then some people read their stories to the whole class.

World Book Week – This week as part of world book week, we all took part in an authors live activity. We rearranged our classroom so that we could copy the illustration. This was really fun and we all did a fantastic job of copying Alex T.Smith who helped us draw Claude…

Maths – In maths this week we have been focusing on multiplication and how we can use different strategies to help us solve questions. One way we did this was by using think boards, we started with a story that included the question, we then had to draw a picture diagram, use a bar model and write the calculation. This allowed us to use different strategies to represent and solve the question. We then had the chance to make our own think boards, we all did an excellent job at this and shared some of our think boards to the class.

We were also using buttons to build, describe and count arrays to help us with multiplication questions.

PE – We have been doing a variety of activities in PE this week including football, gymnastics, basketball, badminton and tennis. Here are some pictures of us in action during the gymnastics course…

We were very lucky this week as we got the chance to go and watch the P7’s assembly about Enterprise. They did a fantastic job, well done P7!

Quotes of the week:

“We have been doing a course all the way around the gym hall, it was really, really good”

“In Literacy we have been doing partner reading, it is fun!”

“In maths we have been doing think boards and i think it is really fun”

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂



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