Welcome Back P5E – 27/10/19

The Romans – This week we started working on our assembly for our sharing learning afternoon next week. We have all got our parts and are ready to rehearse for next week, we have been trying to get into character by practicing our lines as a class. We have also been practicing the songs – ask me to sing you one at home.

We made shields for our assembly props and they were AMAZING. Here are some pictures of the process. We will be using this for an interesting scene in our performance…


Writing – We were learning about how to write a newspaper article this week and how to make it as effective as possible. We worked in groups to make these and we had to make sure we included all of the key features of a newspaper article. One of the main features are the 5 W’s – ask me what these are…

Looking through some real newspaper articles…

Here are newspaper articles, we really enjoyed making these and Miss Mcewan was so impressed with how well we used our skills.


PE – We started gymnastics this week in PE with Mrs Morton and Mr Richardson.

Maths – This week we have been practicing our mental maths skills. One of the things we have been doing is recalling our times tables facts as a class.


Quotes of the week: 

“We were working on our times tables by clicking our fingers to keep a rhythm”
“This week everybody got a part for our assembly, I am excited for the assembly”
“I enjoyed making our shields”

Thank you for reading our blog 🙂

Last week of term! P5E

We have had a busy last week of term in P5E, we are all ready and excited for a week off school.

In Maths this week we have been learning about function machines, we have all made lots of progress with this concept in a short amount of time. Miss Mcewan has been really impressed with how hard we have been working in maths. We also focussed on the ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ symbols because we kept getting these mixed up. Here are some pictures from an activity we did in groups…


Each week during ERIC we have to look out for words that we think are WOW words, we pick a few each week and add them to our board. Lots of us have been adding these words into our own writing to make our writing stronger. Look at all these excellent words…

Next term we will continue to find lots of new WOW words!

We were very lucky this week to be able to go and watch P6’s Alloa’s Great War show, it was excellent! Well done p6!

In class we have so many books in our library which is great but this makes it tricky for us to pick a book.  So we set up our classroom like a shop with all of our books and in the end we had to choose 2 we were interested in. This means that our library is much more meaningful to us, look at all the books we had…


“I hope everyone has had a great first term in P5E and enjoys their week holiday, I can’t wait to see what you all achieve next term!” Miss Mcewan 🙂

P5E – 4/10/19

We have had a very busy week in P5 with lots going on in the school.

On Monday it was Redwell’s 5th birthday, we celebrated as a whole school during an assembly. On Thursday we had another whole school assembly to celebrate Harvest. Every class performed their own Harvest song – ours was ‘We’re So Thankful’. We also donated food as part of the Harvest festival for people who need it in our local community.

On Wednesday we had a new teacher called Miss Smith, we made 3D hands which was really fun.

In maths this week we have been learning about expressions and equations, we have focussed on understanding word problems and turning them into number sentences. We have also focussed on finding the missing numbers and letters in number sentences.

In literacy this week, we had to make up the ending to our class novel. We thought about what could happen in the last few chapters and what we wanted to happen. We then chose an idea and wrote our own final chapter of ‘The Wild Robot Escapes’, there were lots of excellent endings. On Friday we finished our class novel this week and shared our thoughts on the novel – some of us liked the original novel better, but most of us really enjoyed this one.

Here is a picture of how our literacy wall is looking in class…


We had very special visitors in P5E on Friday afternoon – Mrs Boyle came to visit us with her new baby boy. We made her cards and we were all so excited to see her, thank you again for coming to visit us Mrs Boyle.

Thank you for reading  our blog 🙂