P5E – 13/9/19

Writing – In writing this week we continued to write creative stories during free writing. As well as this, we wrote imaginative letters to Roz. Roz is the robot from our class novel ‘The Wild Robot Escapes’, so we wrote her a letter giving her advice on how she could escape the farm she is working at.

Romans – This week we started to look at what life was like for the Romans. We read fact files and picked out key information about what the Romans wore, eat and what their hobbies were. We made comparison posters and compared their lives to ours now.

When we compared hobbies we realised there were big differences. The Romans didn’t have much free time but when they did they liked hunting, going to chariot races and watching gladiator fights. Whereas, some of our hobbies in P5E are playing video games, drawing, dancing and playing football.

Maths – We are learning about Roman numerals in class, which we found quite confusing to think about numbers in a different way. We enjoyed this though and are going to keep practicing so we can solve some maths problems in Roman numerals.

PE – In PE this week we played games focusing on our skills in rugby. We had to make sure we were communicating with our team to make sure we could win the games. Mrs Morton and Miss McEwan were really impressed with our team working skills.

Here are some pictures of us playing the games and practicing our skills

Some people form P5E took part in cross country this week at Lornshill Academy. Well done everyone for trying your best at this and represented Redwell Primary school.

Here are our two quotes of the week:

“We were drawing our own front covers of a Roald Dahl book book today because it is Roald Dahl day”

“We did free writing where we have the lights off and relaxing music on, it was awesome”


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