P5E Welcome back 23/8/19

Welcome back to school! In P5E we have had an excellent first week back and have been busy with lots of different activities in the class.

   Our first day in P5E


Here are some of the things we have done…

-We built our class charter together and discussed how we can be respectful in our classroom and the whole school. We now have this displayed in our classroom with all of our hand prints and signatures.

-We did lots of getting to know each other activities and shared important information with each other.

-We started to focus on mental maths by playing different games as a class.

-We learned about how to stay safe online and made posters with a partner to share key information about how to stay safe online.

Each week we are going to share two quotes from people in our class sharing their thoughts on something from the week. Here are our first two:

“I enjoyed making my Redwell Primary School passport”

“I enjoyed making the online safety poster because it keeps people safe on the internet”

Thank you to everyone who will be coming to read our weekly blog, we hope you enjoy us sharing our classroom learning with you.