All posts by Mrs Fraser

Week ending 15th November

Good Afternoon,

A short blog today. Your child will come home with their ‘Learning Journals’ today. Please take time to go through it with your child. There is also a sheet for you to fill in together about your child’s achievements.


Just a reminder that next Thursday is P3’s school Trip to Stirling Smith Gallery and Art Museum.


Have a lovely weekend!

Week ending 8th November

Welcome to this weeks blog!

This week we have been engaging in lots of different learning.

In math we have been following compass directions to create a route.

On Wednesday we were learning about the significance of poppies and Remembrance day.

On Thursday we did a silent walk around the playground to take in what Autumn looks like, What Autumn sounds like and what Autumn feels like. We then wrote our own poems about Autumn.

Week ending November 1st 2019

This has been a fun week.

We have been revisiting two sounds that we have learned before ‘air’ and ‘ir’.

We have learned about right angles and been hunting for them around the classroom and the green wing.


We had fun drawing pumpkin pictures with Mrs Barron

We have had fun in P.E. using different pieces of equipment.

Have a lovely weekend!

Autumn Days with P3F

Today we have been doing handwriting, joining some of our sounds together. Georgia

Today at P.E. we were trying to balance with our body parts and the floor was lava. When Mr Richardson called out a body part like foot ,hand or elbow we had to try and put these body parts on the floor. Jared

In P.E. on Thursday, at the end we played a game with cards and each time some one needed to run to the cards in the middle and try and find their card. There were hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs. Beth

Before we did our blog we were doing a sheet and it was a joined up writing sheet. Mollie

Yesterday in writing we were making books and comics and we got to write about whatever we wanted to . It was good fun. Georgia

Final week of term 1 in Primary 3F

This week has been a fun week with lots of varied activities.

On Wednesday we spent time creating our very own Christmas cards. We will bring them home for you to look at on Monday 21st October. Should you wish to make a purchase, your order will be due back by Friday 25th October.

Image result for cauliflower cards

In Art we have completed our Jack and the Beanstalk pictures


Jared – The p7’s had been doing the Titanic and there were lots of models that we went and looked at. And we watched a couple of short videos about the Titanic. We heard that there were 20 life boats only to carry half of the people.

Logan – There were two Lego Titanic models, one had an iceberg on it and the boat crashed into it. The short videos told us that there were 15,000 people on the Titanic.

Georgia – In P.E. we were playing football and basket ball and we were in teams.

Jack  –  We were making Christmas wreaths and we were sticking some holly bush berries on the wreaths and we got a silver piece of ribbon and we stuck it on the wreath and also put a bow on the ribbon.

Have a lovely holiday everyone!