All posts by Mrs Fraser

Week ending 17th January 2020

This week during our maths lessons we have been learning how to add amounts of money.

We are also learning how to read word problems related to money, recognizing the difference between questions such as how much and how many.


Our Dojo winner this week was Megan

In P.E. we had great fun working together in teams to clear our quadrants of shuttlecocks….

We enjoyed reading with our partners today.

Have a lovely weekend!



I do hope that each and everyone of you had a lovely Christmas time and also a peaceful joyful holiday!

This term is going to be very busy. We have already begun preparations for our P3 assembly that will take place at the end of the month.

We would encourage you to help your child learn their lines and the songs that they will be singing.

Please could you ensure that your child comes to school with a water bottle to help them stay hydrated throughout the day.


Many thanks for all your co-operation and support

Mrs Fraser

Last week of Term 2 – Its nearly Christmas!!!

This week has been filled with a variety of different learning experiences.

In Art we were learning how to draw a snowman…

In literacy we have been learning how to describe characters and place them within a story. To make things a bit more interesting we wrote our stories as a comic strip. The results were fantastic!!

Yesterday we really enjoyed our Christmas party

Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes!!!

Week ending 6th December

Good afternoon!

The festive season is beginning to show up within the school as we have been working really hard to learn our words for the Christmas concert which takes place next week.

During topic time we have been using our knowledge of number and measure to measure out paper swords that represent the length of William Wallace’s sword.

In our writing we are currently learning how to make our creative writing more interesting by using wow words.

We have done really well with our recorder playing and we have performed in front of the P4’s and P5’s and we did exceptionally well.

We look forward to performing for you next week!

Week ending 29th November

Welcome to this short and final week of November.

This week we have been busy working on our Mental Math adding  TU +U and TU + TU

and subtracting TU – U and TU – TU.

Last week we wrote thank you letters to people who helped with our school trip. This week we edited our letters and wrote a final copy out in our best handwriting.

We have also been busy with our recorder practice in preparation for the Christmas concert.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Week ending 22nd November

Today  we have been learning our recorders for our Jingle Bells performance – Jared

On Thursday we went on a school trip and we saw art paintings and there was a cat and it was called Oswald. My favorite part was looking at the worlds oldest football and doing the quiz. And we all went on the bus to get there and back and the people who were in my group were Nathan, Jared, Natsumi, Lena, Georgia and Abby – Logan

Oswald the cat is black and white. – Natsumi

On Wednesday in P.E. we did an obstacle course and it was in groups of 3. – Georgia

We watched Authors Live and there was a man called Alex T. Smith and he taught us how to draw two of his characters called Claude and Sir Bobblysock and it was fun. – Megan


On the school trip in the quiz Mollie and I answered the questions together. – Jack

On the school trip Mr Smith showed us an Art gallery and we saw paintings. – Rhylan

On the school trip we went to the art gallery and we had a look around and my favorite painting was the breakfast one. – Annabelle

On the school trip we went outside and me, Bryce, Euan, Georgia, Logan, Nathan, Jared,  Natsumi,  Abby Walker and Rory were playing hidy tig. – Riley

When we were on our school trip we sat in a big hall and we were watching things on a big screen and it was about Wallace and Bruce and we went to the museum and there was a statue of William Wallace. – Kayla

I really liked the window with the poem on it made out of a diamond pen. It can write on glass and the colour it showed up as was green. – Michael