Week ending 20th September 2019

Logan – At gym we were playing football.

Jack – At gym we were doing dribbling with balls. In music we got to play the keyboards and I started off playing D.J.

Georgia  – At Gym we were running with rugby balls and passing it to our partners.

Riley – In Art we are making leaves for Jack and the Beanstalk.


Jared – We all wrote a different ending to Peter and the Wolf.

Rory – Today its non uniform day and Golden time all on the same day.

Kayla – We were making Macmillan Coffee Morning posters and we worked with a partner to create the design.


Megan – In Peter and the Wolf we were making different pictures of the animals and me and Mollie did the Wolf.

Natsumi – We were learning our tricky words in spelling.

In maths we are beginning to learn our 3 X tables by heart

Next Friday we are hosting Redwell’s Macmillan Coffee Morning. It would be great to see you there!

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