Final week of term 1 in Primary 3F

This week has been a fun week with lots of varied activities.

On Wednesday we spent time creating our very own Christmas cards. We will bring them home for you to look at on Monday 21st October. Should you wish to make a purchase, your order will be due back by Friday 25th October.

Image result for cauliflower cards

In Art we have completed our Jack and the Beanstalk pictures


Jared – The p7’s had been doing the Titanic and there were lots of models that we went and looked at. And we watched a couple of short videos about the Titanic. We heard that there were 20 life boats only to carry half of the people.

Logan – There were two Lego Titanic models, one had an iceberg on it and the boat crashed into it. The short videos told us that there were 15,000 people on the Titanic.

Georgia – In P.E. we were playing football and basket ball and we were in teams.

Jack  –  We were making Christmas wreaths and we were sticking some holly bush berries on the wreaths and we got a silver piece of ribbon and we stuck it on the wreath and also put a bow on the ribbon.

Have a lovely holiday everyone!

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