Week 3 in P3F

Another Busy week in Primary 3 F


Natsumi – we were learning to round up and round down in Maths.

Riley – In P.E. we were learning basket ball and we shot the basket balles in the big hoops and yresterday we moved stations and we got yo do more basket ball.

Rory – On Wednesday we were practising the recorder. We were practising note B.

Recorder cliparts

Kayla – We were playing instruments and Mrs Pennie told us the name of our instruments and when she said the name of the instrument you either had to put it back in the box or play it.

LoganĀ  – At gym we were playing basket ball and we had five different stations. One of them was when you had dribble the basket ball and then throw it into the hoop. Then we had to dribble through cones.

Jared – We were making characters from Peter and the Wolf and also the instruments and I did it with Riley and we did the flute.

Just a brief snapshot of some of the learning that has taken place this week.


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