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P1/2G 12.12.19 It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

We have been very busy over the last few weeks.

Thank you to everyone who came along to see our Christmas concerts.  The children worked so hard and we were very excited to perform our Nativity called “A Miracle in Town”.

During our last Show and Tell sessions we found out about favourite toys, favourite books, pet chickens, memories from Nursery and even heard a recording of a song!  Look out for letters with new dates in the new year.

We have been learning about the planets during our topic lessons and we arranged them in order of distance from the sun.  We watched some clips about what it is like to be an astronaut in space.  Our favourite clips were how to brush your teeth, wash your hair and go to the toilet in space.  We have also discovered  that the moon is made out of………… rock, not cheese!

We have been learning about writing letters.  We wrote a letter to Santa and will post it tomorrow (Friday 13th).  P1 had been learning the qu sound recently so we also wrote a letter to the Queen to ask her what she would wish for this Christmas.  We will let you know if we get a reply.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us with our copper challenge.  Thanks to everyone’s support, we have have filled our original jar, 2 coffee jars, a biscuit tin and a big sweetie box.  The challenge finishes tomorrow so we are keeping our fingers crossed that we win the challenge!


P1/2G 22.11.19 Weekly Update

We have been learning about the days of the week this week.  We worked together to sequence the days of the week.  Everybody enjoyed working with mixed groups.  Then we read one of our favourite stories, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to help us learn the days of the week in a different  way.  Primary 2s were very good at reading the names of the days.

I have been really impressed with our “Show and Tell” times in the class.  This week we found out about Nursery Graduations, special medals, favourite toys and the equipment nurses use.  The children are really prepared and confident.  The audience are also asking super questions to find out more information.  It is really fun wearing the microphone too!


On Friday we had a special delivery of fabulous book bags.  We hope you enjoy them at home.  The books look fantastic and lots of fun games too.

Please remember that the school will be closed next Thursday and Friday for staff in-service.  There will be no homework next week but please keep practising your sounds and words.  I would really appreciate if P2 could practise their words for the Nativity.

Thank you




P1/2G 15.11.19 Term 2 Newsletter

Class Newsletter: Term 2

Mrs Given and P1/2G

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Learning in Term 1:

In term 1 we learned all about life at school and the routines that we follow here at Redwell Primary. We focussed on creating new friendships within our class and finding out about all the people who help us in school.  We really enjoyed reading The Lighthouse Keeper’s stories and finding out about Mr and Mrs Grinling and their cat Hamish.  The stories also provided an excellent stimulus for writing.  We wrote speech bubbles, imaginative stories and shopping lists.  We have been developing our knowledge of number this term and will continue to do so in term 2.

Homework will continue to be issued on a Monday and should be completed by Friday.  There will be a selection of Numeracy and Literacy activities and occasionally topic related tasks.  Reading books will also be sent home and you will find details of the books in your child’s diary.   Please make sure that your child’s diary and reading books are kept in their red folder every day.

Your child should also have a clearly labelled water bottle everyday which is filled with plain water prior to arriving at school.  Please ensure your child has a labelled weather appropriate jacket as there will be outdoor learning opportunities.

You will be able to follow what we have been doing in class each week by looking at our class blog. This can be accessed via the link on our class page on the school website and via the school app.

PE days

This term P.E. days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.On these days it would be helpful to the children if they could come to school dressed with polo shirt and jumper rather than shirt and tie in order to make changing for P.E. easier.

Learning focus this term:

Through our topic Space we will be learning about:

  • The Sun, Earth and Moon
  • The Planets
  • Life as an astronaut

If you have any experience in this area, please let us know. We would love to have some ‘experts’ come in to share in our learning journey.

Core Literacy:

Primary 1:

  • RWI Speed sounds
  • We are working on our listening and talking skills through Show and Tell, Book Blessings, the Nativity and sharing our news at circle time.
  • Sounding and blending with the help of Fred talk
  • Introduction of Storyworlds Reading Books and other texts
  • Our writing lessons will focus on letters, lists and imaginative stories.
  • We are working on our listening and talking skills through Show and Tell, Book Blessings, the Nativity and sharing our news at circle time.

Primary 2

We are continuing with our Read, Write Inc literacy programme for phonics.

  • Children will bring home a reading book and may also have a tricky words list to practice.
  • Our writing lessons will focus on letters, lists and imaginative stories. We are continuing to develop the use of connectives within our sentences, such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’ to extend our writing.
  • We will continue to recognise and use verbs, nouns and adjectives in our reading and writing.
  • Letter formation
  • We are working on our listening and talking skills through Show and Tell, Book Blessings, the Nativity and sharing our news at circle time.


Core Numeracy:

Primary 1

  • Number rhymes 0-20
  • Number recognition 0-20 (and higher for some)
  • Number formation 0-20
  • Number sequencing and number ordering
  • Time
  • Pattern


Primary 2

Addition and subtraction, to include doubles, and tens and ones

  • Money
  • Pattern
  • Compass points

Health and Wellbeing

This term, we are learning to be like Learning Larry. Pupils will be able to receive their Learning Larry certificate if they:

  1. Come to school with everything they need to learn (including red communication folders, reading books and diaries)
  2. Listen carefully to instructions
  3. Follow instructions promptly
  4. Always try their best
  5. Present work neatly and take pride in their work
  6. Never give up!


We will have further certificates for other Redwell’s Rights and Respecting School characters later in the session.

Playground toys:

We have a playground equipment for children to play with during lunchtime.  Please do not bring in your own toys – except for Golden Time on a Friday – so that we can be sure that all toys in the playground belong to the school.  Many thanks for your support.

 Golden Time toys:

Children can bring a ‘toy’ to school on a Friday to play with during Golden Time. Please remember that the school cannot take responsibility for the safety of these toys and therefore we request that your child does not bring in expensive/ electronic items without your consent.  We appreciate your support with this matter.


Yellow Wing Cuddle on the Couch

Please help us to promote reading by joining us for Cuddle on the Couch. Come along to the Yellow Wing and spend some time reading with your child.  Our last session for this term will be on Monday 9th December. If you require a schedule of Cuddle on the Couch dates, please contact the school office.



This year P1 and  P2 will be participating in the nativity, which will be taking place during the week beginning 9th December. All children will be learning songs and some will have speaking parts. These will be sent home for you to practise with your child.

I look forward to working in partnership with you this session.

Kind regards,

Mrs Given

7.11.19 P1/2G Outdoor Classroom Day

P1/2G  had great fun learning outside today.  We started off with our writing lesson.  We were writing about Fireworks since lots of us had been to Firework displays on Tuesday or were about to go at the weekend.  We started off pretending to be fireworks and made fabulous firework noises.  We then gathered some materials and made wonderful pictures.  Finally we added firework words to our pictures.

After playtime we explored our playground.  We had a special job from Mrs Ainsley to do.  We had to choose names for different parts of our playground.  We went up to the pond and spoke to Mrs Johnstone about the area.  We will go back up next week to see what the pond looks likes after the clear up.  Then after a look in all the planters we found out about the herbs growing in our planters.  Some of us tried some of the herbs and we could all smell the wonderful herbs.

Thank you to everyone who helped us today and to our families for helping us come to school dressed for the weather.


31.10.19 P1/2G Spooky October

We have come to the end of spooky October.

You may have noticed on our school’s twitter page that we went outside on Tuesday for our soft start.  We enjoyed building with some of the loose parts and we also took some of our learning materials from the classroom out with us.  It was super to learn  in the Autumn sunshine.

We also had a visit from members of our Parent Council on Tuesday.  They have bought a new school diary for every pupil in the school.  P1/2G will start to use them on Monday and you will find details of reading books in the diaries  instead of our current reading diaries.  Please read the letter from the Parent Council which you will get along side the diary.

During our topic lessons this week, we discovered that we live on planet Earth.  We also discovered that Earth spins around and when our part of Earth is facing the sun it is daytime and when we are away from the sun it is night time.

Some members of our class have started writing their own books and sharing them with our friends.  Our library is going to get really full.

Finally for this week, here are some photos from our Halloween disco.  Lots of super dancing and scary fun!

P1/2G 25.10.19 Welcome Back

It is great to see everyone back after our October holiday.  Everyone was full of news about the holiday which we wrote about on Monday.  We also wrote about what makes us feel happy this week.

We discovered that our new learning Context (topic) is going to be ……………SPACE!

We discussed what we already knew about Space and what we would like to find out.  One of our questions we want to find the answer to is: “Is the moon made out of cheese?”  Look out in future blogs to see what we find out.

On Friday, we became 3D shape detectives.  We went out into the playground to find as made real life examples of 3D shapes.  Didn’t we do well!

Here are some more photos of our learning this week.

Finally for this week  could you please help your child to keep their reading book in their red folder every day.  Thank you.

P1/2G 11.10.19 Terrific Term 1

We can’t believe that it is now the end of our first term of P1/2.  It has been so busy and lots of fantastic learning has taken place.

Here are some photos of us learning this week in class.

We have been enjoy reading in different areas of the class, on our own and sometimes with friends.  We have also been finding letter sounds or the tricky words we have been learning in our books.  We love class story time too.  We had a discussion on Friday to see how we could make our class library even better.  Lots of good ideas for after the holidays.

Thank you for all of your support this term  We are looking forward to even more learning in term 2.

Have a lovely holiday.

P1/2G 4.10.19 Another Busy Week

This week we read The Lighthouse Keeper’s Catastrophe.  In this story Hamish the cat got locked inside the Lighthouse and Mr Grinling had to rescue him.  Fortunately Mrs Grinling had a good plan to help him.  We have now read almost all of the Lighthouse Keeper’s stories.  We just have to read The Lighthouse Keeper’s Christmas but we can’t read it just now because Mrs Given will get too excited!

During writing this week we wrote stories about Hamish the cat.  Hamish had lots of adventures including going to the park, jumping in puddles and even travelling into space in a rocket!  Our stories are so good we are going to make them into a book for our class library.

Thank you to everyone who gave us materials for our junk modelling task.  We worked with P7W to make a boat for Mr Grinling.  Both classes were working on Science and Technologies experiences and outcomes and it was an excellent opportunity to work with our friends in P7.


On Friday we were developing lots of different skills in our little P.E time.  Bouncing on the space hopper was definitely one of our favourites.  Some of the photos are a little fuzzy because we were moving so fast!

We also found out that one of our class members was chosen as a P.E star.  Well done!

Finally this week, congratulations to Oliver who was voted as our Eco Committee Representative.  We are sure you will be fantastic in this role Oliver!


P1/2G 27.9.19 The Adventures of Mr Grinling

We read The Lighthouse Keeper’s Breakfast this week.  In this story, Mr and Mrs Grinling were pretending to be pirates!

We have been finding out a lot about Mr and Mrs Grinling and so we wrote our own stories about Mr Grinling.  We thought of fantastic ideas and our illustrations were super too.

Thank you to everyone who has managed to bring in materials for our junk modelling project.  You still have time to look for any at home and bring it in to school.

We have  been learning more about number in maths this week.  Some of us used Education City games on the laptops.

The next two weeks are “No Homework” weeks.  Your child will not have any written homework home however if you have time please keep going over the letter and word cards.

Have a lovely weekend.

P1/2G 19.9.19

We are almost at the end of another busy week.

We are looking forward to non -uniform day tomorrow (Friday 20th).  If you can, please bring in an item for the Parent Council tombola.

We have have been continuing to learn about letter sounds.  On Wednesday we were learning outside to practice our letter formation and were also reading words and drawing pictures to match.  Miss MacLean had a sneaky look outside her office window to see what we were up to.  She said everyone looked like they were having fun.

This was just one of our jobs during our Literacy time on Wednesday.  We were also doing reading, spelling, sorting letter sounds and had time in our class library.

We read The Lighthouse Keeper’s Rescue this week.  We loved the story, especially the happy ending.  (We don’t want to give too much away in case you want to read it at home.)  During writing this week we thought about the cheeky seagulls Tom, Bert and Fred and wrote speech bubbles for them.  We are going to put them on display so look out for them the next time your are in school.

Also linked to the Lighthouse Keeper’s stories we were learning about floating and sinking in Science.  We had to predict which items would sink and which would float then we tested it out.  we also learned a new word – density!

Finally for this week, congratulations to Ethan who was chosen to be our Pupil Council member.  We hope you enjoy your new role!