P1/2G 28.2.10 We Are Ready to Leap into March

It has been lovely to see everyone back after our mid term holiday.  I think everyone has grown over the week!

We have been learning about subtraction in maths this week.  We will be able to use this skill in lots of different areas.  We have been using a lot of practical materials to help us but some of us are remembering subtraction facts in our head.  The Primary 2s in our class have been using the knowledge they learned in P1 to help complete subtraction sums with bigger numbers.

During our topic this week we have been learning about the skin.  We looked at our skin under magnifying glasses to get a better look.  We have also been learning about how our bodies heal after getting a cut or scrape.  We have been talking about how important it is to keep our skin clean so that  we do not pass on germs.  We carried out an experiment with bread to see how germs can spread.  We touched one slice of bread with dirty hands, one slice of bread with hands washed with soap and water, one with hands cleaned by hand sanitizer and one slice of bread which touched our laptop.  We also have a slice of bread that hasn’t been touched as our control.  We will let you know our results.  We will be making posters to remind people to wash their hands.

Next Thursday is World Book Day.   We will not be dressing up however the children can bring in a cuddly toy or cushion to snuggle up to and enjoy lots of stories.  We are also visiting Alloa Library next Thursday afternoon.

I am sorry there are no photos on our blog this week.  Our ipads have been collected in to get something technical done to them!! We will hopefully have it back soon.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

P1/2G 14.2.20

In maths this week, we have continued to learn about money.  We enjoyed playing and learning in the Redwell Toy Shop.


Our friends in P6 helped us to log on to the laptops this week.  We then went on to learn more about money using Doorway online.

During our reading lessons this week we have been reading non fiction books.  We were finding specific information using the contents page and index.  Some of us really liked the information books, others preferred story books.  I have collected in all of the reading books for the holiday.  If you still have some home please help your child return them after the holidays.

We have been learning about digestion during our topic lessons this week.  We now know what happens to our food after we have eaten it.  We even carried out an experiment to make vomit.  It was disgusting!

Here are some other photographs from the week.

All of our gym bags have been sent home to get washed over the holiday.  Unfortunately a few items have been left in our PE box and they do not have names on them.  We have a black pair of short age 6, a white polo shirt from George age 5-6 and a pair of white socks.  if they belong to your child let me know.

Have a lovely holiday everyone.

P1/2G 7.2.10 Money, Money, Money!

As you can see from our post’s heading this week, we have been learning about money.  We have been looking carefully at the coins all the way up to £2.  We did find this tricky at first but by Friday we were more confident.  We then moved on to adding up  the value of coins and were pleased that we could use our knowledge of adding to help us.  We will be continuing to learn more about money next week.  If you are at the shops why don’t you let your child help choose the coins to pay for the shopping and add up totals.  There is also a couple of money games on www.doorwayonline.org.uk which we have or will be using in class.

Staying with the theme of money we have been thinking about what to spend our Copper Challenge runners up prize money on.  We have £30 to spend.  If you have any ideas let us know. Some of our ideas have been craft materials, new books, jigsaws and a pet fish. Unfortunately we can not buy a swimming pool!

During reading this week we have been looking at non fiction books.  We have been looking at the contents page and how they look different from story books.  We will continue this next week .  I will collect in all of the reading books and chill books at the end of next week before the holiday.  If you have any of our reading books at home please, please return them.

Have a lovely weekend.