P1/2G 12.12.19 It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

We have been very busy over the last few weeks.

Thank you to everyone who came along to see our Christmas concerts.  The children worked so hard and we were very excited to perform our Nativity called “A Miracle in Town”.

During our last Show and Tell sessions we found out about favourite toys, favourite books, pet chickens, memories from Nursery and even heard a recording of a song!  Look out for letters with new dates in the new year.

We have been learning about the planets during our topic lessons and we arranged them in order of distance from the sun.  We watched some clips about what it is like to be an astronaut in space.  Our favourite clips were how to brush your teeth, wash your hair and go to the toilet in space.  We have also discovered  that the moon is made out of………… rock, not cheese!

We have been learning about writing letters.  We wrote a letter to Santa and will post it tomorrow (Friday 13th).  P1 had been learning the qu sound recently so we also wrote a letter to the Queen to ask her what she would wish for this Christmas.  We will let you know if we get a reply.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us with our copper challenge.  Thanks to everyone’s support, we have have filled our original jar, 2 coffee jars, a biscuit tin and a big sweetie box.  The challenge finishes tomorrow so we are keeping our fingers crossed that we win the challenge!


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