P1/2G 19.9.19

We are almost at the end of another busy week.

We are looking forward to non -uniform day tomorrow (Friday 20th).  If you can, please bring in an item for the Parent Council tombola.

We have have been continuing to learn about letter sounds.  On Wednesday we were learning outside to practice our letter formation and were also reading words and drawing pictures to match.  Miss MacLean had a sneaky look outside her office window to see what we were up to.  She said everyone looked like they were having fun.

This was just one of our jobs during our Literacy time on Wednesday.  We were also doing reading, spelling, sorting letter sounds and had time in our class library.

We read The Lighthouse Keeper’s Rescue this week.  We loved the story, especially the happy ending.  (We don’t want to give too much away in case you want to read it at home.)  During writing this week we thought about the cheeky seagulls Tom, Bert and Fred and wrote speech bubbles for them.  We are going to put them on display so look out for them the next time your are in school.

Also linked to the Lighthouse Keeper’s stories we were learning about floating and sinking in Science.  We had to predict which items would sink and which would float then we tested it out.  we also learned a new word – density!

Finally for this week, congratulations to Ethan who was chosen to be our Pupil Council member.  We hope you enjoy your new role!

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