Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you find the following information useful. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me
Learning focus this term:
This term the children will develop their learning about Scottish Parliament by:
- Comparing and contrasting the role of Scottish Parliament and UK Parliament.
- Researching the roles of key figures with in the Scottish Parliament.
- Investigating the main parties and what their policies are.
- Visiting the Scottish Parliament.
In a series of Sustainability lessons, the children will be learning about the impact that plastic and non-recyclable products have on our planet. Through these lessons pupils will learn to/about:
- The impact plastic is having on the earth, sea and the creatures that live in both.
- Investigate what society can do to help the issue.
- Conduct a school based campaign to raise awareness of a sustainability related issue.
Core Literacy:
We will be focusing on creative writing to ensure our stories are well structured and full of interesting and engaging language. Through our topic, we will be applying our learning to a variety of functional writing tasks.
This term we will be reading and studying ‘Wonder’ as our class novel.
Throughout this term we will be learning about/to:
- Identify the author’s style, applying prediction and inference skills and identifying various forms of rhetoric.
- Developing our knowledge and understanding of our own talking and listening skills.
- We will continue to use VCOP strategies to develop our writing.
- We will develop our creative writing skills, including quality descriptions, various forms of rhetoric and correct structure.
- Children will be given opportunities to develop their listening and talking skills through a variety of class based activities, including cooperative group work and debating.
- The children will read a novel during class reading lessons and will use Blooms Buttons and Book Detective strategies to check their comprehension.
Core Numeracy:
- Pupils will be able to read, interpret and create various forms of graphs.
- Pupils will be working on developing knowledge and understanding of the strategies required to solve word problems.
- Pupils will be using mental and written strategies to solve mathematical problems
- Pupils will apply their knowledge of multiplication, division, decimals and fractions to solve word problems.
General Information:
Our PE days will be Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
We will continue to have Art, Music and Spanish on a three week cycle.
Homework will be issued on a Monday and should be returned on Friday morning.
Reading homework will be issued on a weekly basis.
Many thanks,
Mrs Brown