Learning focus this term:
This term the children will be learning about Enterprise and Fundraising. Through this topic we will be learning about/to:
- working cooperatively with a younger class to plan and run a fundraising event
- rights and responsibilities
- investigate profit and loss
- work to time scales.
Also this term, there will be a focus on Space. Through this mini topic we will be learning about/to:
- features of the solar system
- creating simple models to show understanding of size, scale, time and relative motion.
- an appreciation of the contribution that individuals are making to scientific discovery and invention.
Core Literacy:
We will be using our topic as a stimulus for writing in a variety of different styles.
- We will continue to use VCOP strategies to develop our writing.
- We will develop our Functional Writing to share the information we have researched through a variety of genres (reports, fact files, posters etc)
- Children will be given opportunities to develop their listening and talking skills through a variety of class based activities, including cooperative group work.
- The children will read a novel during class reading lessons and will use Blooms Buttons and Book Detective strategies to check their comprehension
- The children will read our class novel ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’.
Core Numeracy:
- Pupils will consolidate their multiplication skills – practise at home would be greatly appreciated
- Pupils will work with place value of whole numbers
- Pupils will be using mental and written strategies to solve mathematical problems
- Pupils will investigate the link between fractions, decimals and percentages.
General Information:
- Our PE days will be Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
- We will continue to have Art, Music and Spanish on a three week cycle.
- Homework will be issued on a Monday and should be returned on Friday morning.
- Reading homework will be issued on a Friday and should be completed for the following Friday.